Frequently Asked Questions
    Can I transfer my pension from my previous employer?

        This is a once in a lifetime situation for most people.  If it is an option to leave your pension with your former employer or transfer to our office we will walk you through the pros and cons of both situations.  If the only option is to transfer your pension away from your employer our office will guide you through the process and put your mind at ease.

    Do I have to invest a minimum amount of money to start investing?

        Our philosophy is that everyone deserves sound financial advice.  Segregated funds are offered by insurance companies.  There may be minimum initial investment amounts associated with certain mutual funds and segregated funds.  

    My parents are elderly. What steps should they take to ensure the proper transfer of their assets?

        This is a major topic of discussion with our clients.  The transfer of assets to the next generation requires listening to the desires of the elderly parents and respecting their position.  With a sensitive ear our office will walk through the process with the elderly parents.  With their approval the children of the elderly parents can be part of the discussion and process as well.

    I have sold a property or a business. What is the next step?

        With this being a major asset and sometimes being a once in a lifetime occurrence, the handling of the proceeds requires going through our extensive six step process to decide what is the best solution for the client.  With our client base that have gone through this process our office will be sensitive to the clients wants and needs.

    I am nervous of the stock market volatility. Are there other investment options available?

        Yes, we have several strategies that will not jeopardize your initial investment or guaranteed income.

    What is available to help fund my children's post-secondary education?

        The government will add an additional 20% grant money for every dollar that you invest into a Registered Education Savings Plan up to a maximum amount of grant money.  Ask us for details.

    In our retirement years there will be a significant tax implication after the death of my spouse and myself for our RRSP/RRIF/LIF accounts. How can we leave more of our money to our beneficiaries?

        This is a common question and we have at least two impactful strategies to counter this legitimate client concern.

Do you have a question of your own? 
Please reach out to us for a complimentary appointment.

705-726-7526 Email Us


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